× Tommy Prine will be playing "This Far Out" in the Netherlands this month

Tommy Prine will be playing "This Far Out" in the Netherlands this month


Tommy Prine’s debut album, This Far South, shines with intelligent songwriting, and the music successfully incorporates a wide range of Americana-type styles rooted in folk to punk. Prine can sneer convincingly on one track and plead despondently on another while remaining in character. The first-person protagonist convincingly addresses his listeners about God, death, and love, even if he may contradict himself. He understands that one can have multiple perspectives and that putting thought and feeling into music somehow resolves seeming conflicts.

The Nashville-based singer-songwriter ain’t about to run away from his last name. And why would he? His father, John Prine, was revered and beloved by several generations of performers and writers, and Tommy’s emergence three years after his father’s death from COVID complications seems like a natural next step.

Tommy Prine offers two songs directly about death, one about his father (“By the Way”) and another for his deceased best friend (“Letter for My Brother”). He also sings about his actual brother (“Boyhood”) and his wife Savannah (“I Love You, Always”). As mentioned, this is the singer-songwriter’s first record. He purposely addresses all of the important people and topics. He even gets absurd while searching for the meaning of life on the spirited “Mirror and the Kitchen Sink

Prine reminds one, “Romeo and Juliet didn’t kiss first, then become friends.” Despite the planning, sometimes even the best ideas go down the drain. Prine didn’t make This Far South until after his father, John Prine passed away. He was intimidated by the massive shadow John had as a beloved singer-songwriter and many other factors that seemed to be holding him back. The quality of the new album suggests it was worth waiting for. 

This month Tommy Prine will be playing This Far Out in the Netherlands:
19/08: Amsterdam, NL - Paradiso
20/08: Venlo, NL - Zomerparkfeest

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