The Brother Brothers release "The January Album" and announce European tour
19-04-2024Indie folk duo The Brother Brothers release "The January Album" today and announce European tour dates.
Comprised of identical twins Adam Moss (violin, vocals) and David Moss (guitar, vocals), this will be their fourth studio album and follow-up to 2021’s Calla Lily. They also shared the official video for their new single “Lonesome,” the album opener that explores what they call “the conceptual passage of time through the varied lenses we have as humans.” It embraces the desert, the slow moving planets, the ages of man, and coalesces around the idea of loneliness in the vast expanse of creation.
“‘Lonesome’ was the first song we recorded when we got into the studio, and was in the running for an album title,” states Adam. “We feel like it’s a perfect vibe for how we were feeling at the time of recording and writing. We were really zoomed out. It’s not just about personal lonesome in the desert. As far as we know, we’re alone in the vastness of space and time.”
The January Album, aptly named for its month-long recording in January 2021, is as David describes, “basically an ode to the time we had time to take time.” Adam adds, “Almost all of the songs were written in NYC during those first few months of the Covid lockdown and tumultuous police protests in the city. It was important to capture the zeitgeist but also just as important not to dwell on it in the music.” And dwell they do not. It’s an album that captures the intimate world around them while delicately illustrating the deep well of human experience that the pandemic forced into sharp relief.
This new reality and the eventual departure from their homes in Brooklyn led them to their newest recording venture at Montrose Studios in Richmond, VA. With producer and bass player Bridget Kearney (Lake Street Dive), drummer John Fatum (Sarah Jarosz, Jacksonport, Bella White) and the engineering magic of Phil Weinrobe (Damian Rice, Feist, Big Thief), eight people confined themselves in a farmhouse next to the studio and rejoiced in community while recording.
The January Album as a whole is a wonderful distillation of the American spirit in its modern form. The Brother Brothers have a unique outlook on the world. They have seemingly visited every nook and cranny of the US, and they have taken those experiences to heart. Each song is a lesson, an experience, and a look at ourselves, our past, and our future.
With The January Album The Brother Brothers will be touring Europe in August and September:
29/08: Ermelo, NL - In De Rimboe
31/08: Maastricht, NL - Bruis
02/09: Bliston, UK - The Robin
03/09: Hove, UK - The Brunswick
04/09: Huddersfield, UK - Parish
06/09: Liverpool, UK - Outpost
07/09: Filey, UK - Filey Americana
08/09: Glasgow, UK - The Hug & Pint
09/09: London, UK - The Slaughtered Lamb
12/09: Hamburg, DE - Nochtwache
13/09: Odense, DK - Nashville Nights
14/09: Gothenburg, SWE - Heartland Country Club
15/09: Stockholm, SWE - Bar Brooklyn
16/09: Kristianstad, SWE - Kulturkvarteret