× Punkrock Summer! A Wilhelm Scream, Strung Out, The Flatliners..

Punkrock Summer! A Wilhelm Scream, Strung Out, The Flatliners..


This summer has some cool punkrock shows in store:<br><br>

<a href="http://baroeg.nl/programma/"><strong>5-AUG: THE FLATLINERS @ Rotterdam, Baroeg</a><br>
<a href="http://www.ekko.nl/productie/strung-out-a-wilhelm-scream">18-AUG: A WILHELM SCREAM + STRUNG OUT @ Utrecht, EKKO (One Louder)</strong></a><br>

<font color="red"><strong>THE FLATLINERS</strong></font><br>
For some reason it’s hard to think of <strong><a href="http://www.theflatliners.com/">The Flatliners</a></strong> as veterans of the punk scene, but at this point it’s undeniable: going strong for over ten years, they’ve released four albums and a litany of EPs and singles that have delivered each and every time. It’s their ability to always sound fresh that keeps them from feeling like they’ve been around for as long as they have.<br><br>

Now they have released <em>"Division of Spoils"</em>, 23 tracks culled from this decade of the Flatliners’ existence. This collection of B-sides, singles, and covers demonstrates their uncanny ability to produce excellent Fat Wreck-style punk rock. Now one of the premiere bands on the label, the Flatliners’ B-game is better than most bands’ A-game, and <em>"Division of Spoils"</em> makes this fact plain.<br><br>

Go see this band in Rotterdam's<em> Baroeg</em> on August 5th!<br><br>

<font color="red"><strong>A WILHELM SCREAM + STRUNG OUT</strong></font><br>
<em>The Village Coffee & Music</em> present an evening of some fine punkrock bands on August 18th in Utrecht's <em>EKKO</em>: <strong><a href="http://www.strungout.com/">Strung Out</a></strong> and <strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/awilhelmscream/">A Wilhelm Scream</a></strong>!<br><br>

The legendary <strong><a href="https://www.facebook.com/awilhelmscream/">A Wilhelm Scream</a></strong> from Massachusetts are known for their mix of fast melodic guitarriffs mixed with a fast punkrock sound and raw vocals of frontman <em>Nuno Pereira</em>. For fans of <em>Good Riddance, Gnarwolves, Strike Anywhere</em> and<em> Propagandhi</em>.<br><br>

The American <strong><a href="http://www.strungout.com/">Strung Out</a></strong> has been touring for over 25 years. They're known for their - in the genre - complex skatepunk with metal and hardcore influences and were one of the first bands to sign to Fat Wreck Chords. With 8 full lengths, 1000s of shows and over a million albums sold these gentlemen know how to deliver a good dose of punkrock.

Related artist: A Wilhelm Scream back