× Christopher Paul Stelling accompanies Lonnie Holley for some shows in April/May

Christopher Paul Stelling accompanies Lonnie Holley for some shows in April/May


"Do me a favor: let’s never ever postpone our joy and happiness. Don’t wait for the conditions to be right or for the world to be perfect. Let’s just do little things and try to help where we can. There’s beauty all around us and as old as we get we are all just little children trying to process this strange and magnificent life we’ve been given. Practice forgiveness everyday and start with yourself. Let’s not forget to enjoy this wild ride that we are on together." Some recent words of wisdom by Christopher Paul Stelling.

Christopher has been laying low for most of the second half of last year. He has and is spending a lot of time to work on new music and a new record, which is closing in on completion now. Very exited about that!

But besides he's coming to Europe this April/May to accompany the illustrious and joyful Lonnie Holley on some shows he'll be back around October for a full European tour:

24/04: Berlin (DE) @ Privatclub 
26/04: Prague (CZ) @ Punctum 
28/04: Bratislava (SLO) @ Fuga 
01/05: Düdingen (CH) @ Bad Bonn 
05/05: Paris (FR) @ Lafayette Anticipations 
06/05: Amsterdam (NL) @ Het Zonnehuis 
08/05: London (UK) @ St John on Bethnal Green 

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